2025-01 General Planning Consultant


Due to Hurricane Milton, we are allowing all submitters to do so electronically to meet the deadline. You may send an email to RFP@metroplanorlando.gov with your proposal documents (or a link to the documents) by the original deadline (Wednesday, October 9 by Noon). You will also be required to mail hard copies to be received by Wednesday, October 16. Also note that the EOC website is not functioning correctly and is unable to accept DBE information. They are working on the issue, but we do not have a timeline for when the issue will be resolved. In the meantime, if you plan to submit a proposal for this RFP, please complete the attached DBE forms and submit them via email to RFP@metroplanorlando.gov by Wednesday, October 16 at noon. You will still be required to submit the information on the EOC website when it is working.

Bid Opportunity List Form

DBE Participation Statement


MetroPlan Orlando (MPO) requires the services of at least two (2) General Planning Consultant (GPC) teams to provide support for staff to accomplish various transportation planning functions relating to its Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). Many of these tasks are required by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). The work involves providing assistance to staff on a work assignment basis in a variety of planning, technical, and graphical activities. The length of the contract is two (2) years with an option to extend by one (1) additional year, a maximum of three (3) years.

Please refer to detailed instructions below: 

2025-01 General Planning Consultant – RFP Information Packet

The RFP Information Packet may also be obtained by contacting the Finance Department via the following methods: phone (407) 481-5672 ext 311, fax (407) 481-5680, or by mail or in person at MetroPlan Orlando, Finance Department, 250 South Orange Avenue, Suite 200, Orlando, FL 32801. Sealed proposals must be submitted and received by mail or in person to the address above no later than 12 p.m., Wednesday, October 9, 2024.

Questions may be submitted to RFP@metroplanorlando.gov and will be answered in the Q&A section that accompanies this RFP. The Q&A section also outlines instructions for submitting questions by mail.  The deadline for questions is Wednesday, September 25, 2024 by 12 p.m. 

(This page was last updated with questions on Sept. 19.)

Questions and Answers

  • Q: Are FDOT prequalification required? A: No
  • Q: Related to experience, is it the experience of the individuals that you will look at or must the work have been done by the firm (i.e., the individuals with the experience performed the work while employed by the firm? A: Project cut sheets should reflect work completed by the firms represented on the responding team. Prior work by individual team members may be referenced in the LOI and in staff resumes.
  • Q: We have a question regarding the firm qualifications section on page 2 of the RFP: “Existing General Planning Consultant Contract (RFP 2023-02) holders are not eligible to submit as the prime or sub-consultant for a team.” Does “holders” in this context mean prime consultants only? A: “Holders” refers to the firm that executed the contract with MetroPlan Orlando. Sub-consultants are eligible to submit a proposal for this RFP.

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