2025-02 Strategic Communications Consultant

MetroPlan Orlando requires the services of at least one (1) Strategic Communications Consultant (SCC) team to provide support for staff to accomplish various communications and community outreach functions relating to the organization’s transportation planning projects. Many of these tasks will be connected to the region’s 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan. The work involves assisting staff on a work assignment basis in a variety of ways including strategic communications, event support, social media, as well as writing, video, and graphic support tasks. The length of the contract is two (2) years with an option to extend by one (1) additional year, a maximum of three (3) years.

Please refer to detailed instructions below: 

2025-02 Strategic Communications Consultant – RFP Information Packet

The RFP Information Packet may also be obtained by contacting the Finance Department via the following methods: phone (407) 481-5672 ext 311, fax (407) 481-5680, or by mail or in person at MetroPlan Orlando, Finance Department, 250 South Orange Avenue, Suite 200, Orlando, FL 32801. Sealed proposals must be submitted and received by mail or in person to the address above no later than 12 p.m., Tuesday, October 8, 2024.

Questions may be submitted to RFP@metroplanorlando.gov and will be answered in the Q&A section that accompanies this RFP. The Q&A section also outlines instructions for submitting questions by mail.  The deadline for questions is Wednesday, September 25, 2024 by 12 p.m. 

(This page was last updated with questions on Sept. 26.)

Questions and Answers

  • Q: Page 7 #3: The RFP states that the Letter of Interest should be signed by an officer of the company with authority to enter into a contract should they receive the proposal award. Please advise if pages requiring signatures, including forms, need to be original signatures (wet ink) or will electronic signatures be accepted? A: Electronic signatures will be accepted.
  • Q: Page 7 #7: Could you clarify if there is a limit on the number of staff that can be assigned to this contract? Are the key personnel limited to four positions? A: There is not a limit to the number of staff that can be assigned to this contract. Each person’s resume in the appendix may not exceed one page. There is also a maximum of four people allowed on one page, however, multiple resume pages in the appendix are allowed.
  • Q: How many in-person events are expected during the contract period? A: The number of in-person events varies, since we often are responding to invitations from community groups to present or participate. Our current Metropolitan Transportation Plan goal for public participation is to be involved in at least 3 community events per month through the development of that plan (most of calendar year 2025). In addition, we expect to participate in events related to other aspects of our planning work, but there is no set calendar or specific goal for those. We will not require consultant support for all events. A specific number or range for events needing consultant support would be set in a task work order in the future.
  • Q: Will there be a continuing education component for the events? A: Our community events do not normally include a continuing education component.
  • Q: Will there be a venue procurement component for the events as part of the scope of work? Are any venues contracted as of now? A: Most events we participate in are sponsored by partners or other community groups, who procure the venues. We expect to host at least one event in the coming year that will require venue procurement; others may be added. We work with venues on an event-by-event basis and do not have long-term contracts with any venues.
  • Q: Will a call for presentation process be utilized for attracting speakers? A: This is not usually something we do.
  • Q: Will there be a volunteer component to the events? A: Volunteers are not usually a component of our event planning or execution.
  • Q: Media Relations: -Do you currently have a service that handles media relations, or would this be included in the scope of work? A: We currently handle all media relations in-house. We may look to the Strategic Communications Consultant for advice on effectively communicating with local media outlets – including major legacy outlets, hyper-local outlets, and other outlets, such as blogs and influencers. We use Critical Mention software to monitor media coverage.
  • Q: -What software is currently being utilized for media relations? A: We use Critical Mention software to monitor media coverage.
  • Q: Crisis Management: -Is there an existing crisis management plan, or is creating a new plan part of the scope of work? A: Creating a crisis management plan is not likely to be part of the scope of work.
  • Q: Communications: -Do you already have systems in place for social media and email marketing? A: We use Constant Contact email marketing and Sprout Social for social media.
  • Q: -Is there an existing strategic marketing plan? A: We are guided by our Public Participation Plan, which was updated this year. In addition, we have a separate plan for outreach on our 2050 Plan, which will be taking place over the next 12 months. These are posted on our website: https://metroplanorlando.gov/plans/public-participation-plan/
  • Q: Would a brand audit be part of the scope of work? . A: A brand audit is not likely to be part of the scope of work.
  • Q: Upon selection, could you provide a SWOT analysis? A: An organizational SWOT analysis was part of our last strategic planning process. We do not have a separate SWOT analysis for communications. This could be discussed with the selected firm after selection upon kick-off of a task work order.
  • Q: Have you already defined your target audience, or do you need further assistance/research? A: We will look to the Strategic Communications Consultant for assistance and research on appropriate targeted segments of our audience for various messages. Our overall audience includes everyone in the three-county region who uses the transportation system in any way. However, our public participation plans call for particular attention to underserved communities.
  • Q: Will the scope of work include SEO/SEM recommendations? A: This is not likely to be part of the scope of work.
  • Q: Will the selected firm for the Strategic Communications Consultant contract be precluded from potential selection for upcoming General Planning Consultant advertisements that overlap with this 2–3-year window? A: Being selected as the Strategic Communications Consultant would not preclude a firm from potential selection as a General Planning Consultant. The two contracts are separate. However, firms should be able to demonstrate that they have the capacity to be responsive to both contracts during the same time period.
  • Q: What is the anticipated cost/budget for work to be done under this contract? A: An overall budget for this work has not been set. Work will be budgeted on an individual task work order basis.
  • Q: Which of the Major Types of Work listed in the RFP are currently being done by an incumbent firm(s)? A: There is no incumbent firm, as we do not currently have a Strategic Communication Consultant. The Major Types of Work listed in the RFP are all currently being handled in-house. In the past, some project-specific communication work has been supported by consultant teams.
  • Q: Under “Required Contents / Structure of Proposal” on page 6 it is stated that there is an 8-page limit, but on page 7 ( #7. Resumes and Appendix) it says, “resumes do not count in the 10-page limit.” Can you please clarify the page count? A: The page limit is 8 pages, as stated on page 6. This includes: up to 3 pages for the Letter of Interest; up to 3 1-page project descriptions; a 1-page organizational chart; and a 1-page resource matrix. The cover, table of contents, and resumes do not count in the 8-page limit. The reference on page 7 to a 10-page limit is a typo; we apologize for the confusion.
  • Q: Do you prefer a company located in Orlando? A: It is not necessary for the company to be located in Orlando. Companies will need to ensure that all in-person engagement activities in Orange, Osceola, and Seminole counties can be covered appropriately. These requirements will be outlined in the various task work orders associated with the contract. Travel expenses will not be included in the contract.
  • Q: Do you prefer the scope of work to be done in person or remotely? A: Most of the Scope of Work can be accomplished either in-person or remotely. There will be requirements for in-person support, such as board and committee meetings and community outreach events. These will be outlined in the task work orders.
  • Q: How many engagements will be required in person? A: The number of in-person events varies, since we often are responding to invitations from community groups to present or participate. Our current Metropolitan Transportation Plan goal for public participation is to be involved in at least 3 community events per month through the development of that plan (most of calendar year 2025). In addition, we expect to participate in events related to other aspects of our planning work, but there is no set calendar or specific goal for those. We will not require consultant support for all events. A specific number or range for events needing consultant support would be set in a task work order in the future.
  • Q: Looking to clarify one of the pre-proposal requirements. If the prime is a DBE firm and won’t be using sub contractors, does the prime still have to register in FDOT’s EOC? A: Yes. All primes must register in FDOT's EOC to submit a proposal for this RFP. All DBE, even if the Prime is a DBE, must be reported in FDOT's EOC.
  • Q: How will MetroPlan Orlando measure the success of this engagement? A: Our public participation plans lay out metrics for evaluating the success of our efforts in general; specific goals for individual projects may be outlined in the task work orders associated with them. We always seek to have meaningful, two-way engagement that involves a broad cross-section of the region.
  • Q: Is there a set number of creative deliverables (e.g., graphics, videos, etc.) that will be required? If not, is MetroPlan Orlando able to provide an estimate of the amount of creative work it typically produces for this timeframe and/or a strategic planning project like Vision 2050? A: The amount of creative work and the specific deliverables will be stated up front in the task work orders for each project. Numbers and types of creative deliverables will vary according to project. We currently have separate contracts with a graphic design and a video firm, which produce some of our creative items.
  • Q: What languages does MetroPlan Orlando require the consultant to be able to provide translational and other support for? A: Our primary concern is to have bilingual Spanish-English consulting support. Haitian Creole and Portuguese are desirable as well. It is also important for the consultant to have ideas and be able to lay out plans for how we can gain needed support involving other languages, as needed.
  • Q: Are you seeking one consultant to support all areas of the scope of service, or do you plan to select multiple consultants based on specialties? A: Our intention is to award one contract. However, we reserve the right to select more than one consultant if needed to meet the needs of the services desired.
  • Q: RFP Award: -Are you planning to select a single consultant or multiple partners through this RFP process? A: Our intention is to award one contract. However, we reserve the right to select more than one consultant if needed to meet the needs of the services desired.
  • Q: -What criteria will be used to evaluate and award bids after a consultant has been selected in this RFP process? A: Once a consultant has been selected and is under contract, MetroPlan Orlando staff will determine which tasks require consulting help. A task work order will be executed for the tasks needed, and staff will assign the task work order to the consulting firm through the consultant’s designated project manager.
  • Q: Results/Goals: -How does MetroPlan evaluate the success of communications projects, particularly in engaging hard-to-reach and underserved communities? A: Our goal is to get meaningful feedback from people who have not previously been included in the transportation planning process. We collect feedback in a variety of ways, including surveys, public events, and social media.
  • Q: -For engagement with underserved communities, what are MetroPlan Orlando’s specific goals? A: Goals for engagement are included in our Public Participation Plan and the public participation plan for the 2050 MTP. In general, we want to help underserved communities better understand the transportation planning process and how they can take part. We also want them to help us understand what their needs are.
  • Q: -Are there existing partnerships or strategies that have proven effective in the past? A: We have partnered with a variety of non-profit and government organizations to strengthen our community outreach efforts across the three-county area. MetroPlan Orlando’s board and committee structure and our list of funding partners are available on our website; these are our core partners. We also work with groups outside that list that share our goals.
  • Q: • Events: - Approximately how frequently does Metroplan participate in in-person events? A: The number of in-person events varies. Our current Metropolitan Transportation Plan goal for public participation is to be involved in at least 3 community events per month through the development of that plan (most of calendar year 2025). In addition, we expect to participate in events related to other aspects of our planning work, but there is no set calendar or specific goal for those. We will not require consultant support for all events. A specific number or range for events needing consultant support would be set in a task work order in the future.
  • Q: -Is there a calendar of planned events that could be shared? A: Our calendar changes often, since we are responding to invitations from community groups to present or participate. We will share as much information as possible in the task work order for each project.
  • Q: - Can you share an overview or a link to a previous event that represents an important event type? A: We post information about our events on our social media channels. Most events are planned by other government or community groups, and we take part through information tables or presentations. From time to time, we host events or workshops that are open to the public; these events require more planning and support.
  • Q: • Budgets: - Is there a predefined annual communications budget or is the budget negotiated per task/work request? A: The budget will be negotiated on an individual task work order basis.
  • Q: - Can you provide a budget range for an example project similar to the services you anticipate requesting? A: Task work orders usually cover all the support anticipated for a particular project, but projects differ in size and complexity. Some recent scopes for communications work have included between 100-500 hours of consultant time, at various rates.
  • Q: • Work Methods: - What will the turnaround time expectation for estimates and work requests to be completed once you’ve selected a consultant? A: Deadlines for deliverables will be included in each task work order.
  • Q: =Could you provide an overview of the MetroPlan team structure that will work with the selected consultant on projects? A: The consultant will work with the communications team, which is headed by the Public Information Manager. The communications team is overseen by the Director of Regional Partnerships. Our finance team is also involved in every contract.
  • Q: =Will there be one main point of contact for Metroplan communications with the selected consultant or multiple points of contact? A: MetroPlan Orlando will provide one main point of contact for the consultant and will ask each consulting team to provide a main point of contact as well.
  • Q: =Is there an established process for work request/content approvals? A: Task work orders will be written by the communications team, in consultation with planning and finance staff. Once approved, they will be communicated through the main point of contact at MetroPlan Orlando to the main point of contact on the consulting team. The MetroPlan Orlando point of contact will handle getting any internal approvals needed on deliverables or work products.
  • Q: Can you describe the expected frequency of work requests and whether there is a projected increase or decrease in demand for these services during periods over the next two years? A: The task work orders frequently cover work to be performed over 60-120 days or more and combine several types of consultant support. We anticipate work to be steady over the next year and possibly to increase, depending on the availability of grants for various projects.
  • Q: What budget has MetroPlan allocated for the task work orders anticipated as part of this project? A: An overall budget for this work has not been set. Work will be budgeted on an individual task work order basis.
  • Q: Is the expectation that the chosen contractor will bill for work on a time-and-materials basis or is MetroPlan open to a retainer budget? A: We prefer to work on either a time basis or a project lump sum basis. We will not use retainers for this work.
  • Q: If the consultant team includes several subcontractors, will all payments be processed through the prime contractor, or will payments be made directly to each subcontractor? A: All payments will be made to the prime contractor. The prime is expected to make payments to any subcontractors.
  • Q: One of our subcontractors is a communications consultant for a government official who serves on the MetroPlan Orlando board. Does this present a conflict of interest that would disqualify the subcontractor from participating in this RFP process? A: This situation would be a conflict of interest and would disqualify the subcontractor from working on the contract.
  • Q: For clarification, does “project descriptions” refer to case studies, or are you looking for approaches firms may take to meet your scope of work requirements? A: Yes, “project descriptions” refers to case studies. It would be helpful for the case studies to highlight connections to scope areas listed in the RFP, if possible.
  • Q: The RFP awards 30 points for “Innovation and Creativity.” Could you please clarify how this will be evaluated? A: Innovation and creativity are subjective, and selection committee members will use their judgment and knowledge of MetroPlan Orlando’s needs to score this area. Our organization seeks new ways to reach people and boost engagement through a strategic communication approach. Though we are a government agency, we prefer our communication to be relatable and personable. We are particularly interested in approaches not currently being used by other government agencies.
  • Q: For the presentation stage of the process, what content will firms be asked to share? A: What criteria will be used for scoring the presentations? The criteria and content for the presentation stage will be provided to short-listed firms in advance of the presentation date.
  • Q: Who is on the selection committee? A: The selection committee is made up of three MetroPlan Orlando staff members.
  • Q: Is there an incumbent for this project? If so, who has done previous work? A: There is no incumbent firm, as we do not currently have a Strategic Communication Consultant.
  • Q: What division or person at MetroPlan does this contract report to? A: This contract will be managed by our public information manager.
  • Q: Should the cost proposal only include hourly rates by staff classification, or do you want general project budget estimates as well? A: Hourly rates by staff classification will be sufficient. Work will be budgeted on an individual task work order basis.
  • Q: How are direct expenses managed within the task work orders? A: Direct expenses must be approved ahead of time. They are allowed if approved.
  • Q: What is the average attendance for a community event? A: This varies widely, depending on event purpose and location.
  • Q: Are subcontractors such as tent rental companies, audio-visual support, podiums and sound systems, etc. included in this proposal or are those functions managed by the client? A: These types of subcontractors may be brought on at a later time if such services are needed.
  • Q: There appears to be overlap with MetroPlan’s RFP 2025-01 General Planning Consultant. Is it preferred that one entity manage both contracts, OR will the awarded partner of this contract report to the Manager of the General Planning RFP OR will both contracts’ Project Managers report independently to MetroPlan? A: Project managers for both contracts will report independently to the corresponding contract manager at MetroPlan Orlando.

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