Transportation Systems Management & Operations Master Plan

MetroPlan Orlando’s Transportation Systems Management & Operations (TSM&O) Master Plan defines and prioritizes low-cost solutions that can maintain and improve the transportation system.

TSM&O solutions focus on operational improvements that can maintain and even restore the performance of the existing transportation system before extra capacity is needed. These solutions aim to get the most performance out of transportation facilities that are already in place, and can be effective alternatives to options such as roadway widening projects, for example, which typically cost more and may have greater impacts on communities and the environment.

The TSM&O Master Plan:

  • Defines how TSM&O solutions and strategies can improve our transportation system.
  • Coordinates the TSM&O efforts of each agency in the region to create a unified and effective planning approach.
  • Prioritizes TSM&O projects to be included in MetroPlan Orlando’s 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan.

For more information about TSM&O, see the Transportation Systems Management & Operations page.


The TSM&O Master Plan promotes the Vision of a safe, regional, multimodal network that uses cost-effective technology to make the most of our transportation system.

The TSM&O Master Plan Goals & Objectives address a range of issues including:

  • Safety for All Users
  • Reliability, Performance, and Resiliency of the System
  • Infrastructure Investment & Economic Impacts
  • Access, Mobility & Community Connections
  • Health & Environmental Effects
  • Transportation Equity

Transportation Systems Management & Operations Master Plan – Vision Goals and Objectives


A steering committee provided advice and guidance for development of the TSM&O Master Plan. It was made up of members representing these agencies:

  • MetroPlan Orlando (facilitating agency)
  • Central Florida Expressway Authority
  • City of Orlando
  • Florida Department of Transportation
  • Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise
  • LYNX
  • Orange County
  • Osceola County
  • Seminole County

Transportation Systems Management & Operations Master Plan – Steering Committee Members


TSM&O Master Plan Summary Document
This document serves as an Executive Summary of the TSM&O Master Plan and answers the question: Why and how was it developed?

TSMO Master Plan – Summary

Appendix 1: Documentation Review
Provides an overview and inventory of key documents and resources that were considered and used during development of the MetroPlan Orlando TSM&O Master Plan.

TSMO Master Plan – Document Review

Appendix 2: Existing Conditions Review
Summarizes the existing TSM&O Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSM&O) systems, devices, and infrastructure currently being operated and maintained within MetroPlan Orlando’s planning area.

TSMO Master Plan – Existing Conditions

Appendix 3: Regional ITS Architecture (RITSA)
The Regional ITS Architecture (RITSA) ensures that the various systems, subsystems, and components work together harmoniously, enabling efficient transportation management, improved safety, reduced congestion, and an enhanced traveler experience.

TSMO Master Plan – RITSA

Appendix 4: Needs Assessment
To define Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSM&O) needs within the region, an assessment was performed to obtain a project and programmatic view of respective needs for each stakeholder agency. This document provides a summary of the findings and recommendations from this process.

TSMO Master Plan – Needs Assessment

Appendix 5: Prioritization Matrix
This document provides the framework for prioritizing TSMO segment-level projects.

TSMO Master Plan – Prioritization Matrix

Appendix 6: Intersection Evaluation
This document provides the framework for prioritizing intersection projects.

TSMO Master Plan – Intersection Prioritization Matrix

Appendix 7: Project Strategies
This document provides recommended TSM&O strategies to be applied on corridor segments identified during the Needs Assessment.

TSMO Master Plan – Strategies

Appendix 8: Funding Guidance
This guidance was developed as a supporting resource for engineers and planners seeking to identify funding for all phases (planning, construction, operation, maintenance) of TSM&O projects.

TSMO Master Plan – Funding Guidance


For more information about the TSM&O Master Plan, please contact Eric Hill at (407) 481-5672 x316 or email


  • TSMO Advisory Committee – Recommends ways to make the most of the existing transportation system through technology.
  • ITS Master Plan – How technology will improve the region’s future. (This plan was developed in 2017 to evaluate the region’s information, communication, and technology systems and to determine future needs.)
  • CAV Readiness Study – Central Florida’s readiness for connected and autonomous vehicles.

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