Prioritized Project List

The Prioritized Project List (PPL) is updated annually and contains a list of unfunded highway, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian projects that have been ranked for funding. The PPL serves as a bridge document between MetroPlan Orlando’s 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan and the five-year Transportation Improvement Program. Once long-term needs are determined by the 2045 Plan, projects are prioritized and ranked on the Prioritized Project List, a project funding waiting list. When funding becomes available, the project/project phase moves into the five-year funding program.

The Current Prioritized Project List

The PPL is created in conjunction with the Transportation Improvement Program and shows which projects are next in line for federal and state funding.  Refer to the current PPL, adopted by the MetroPlan Orlando Board on July 10, 2024 for more details:

Prioritized Project List (PPL) 2030-2040 – Adopted 7-10-2024

magnifying glass on map


MetroPlan Orlando uses a data-informed and context-sensitive approach to evaluate and assess candidate transportation projects for the Prioritized Project List (PPL). Consistent with FHWA’s Transportation Performance Management guidance, the intent of this process is to identify, select, and fund projects which best address regional transportation goals, objectives, and established targets.

It is important to note, most new projects or project phases are typically added into the fifth year of the Work Program. Once a project in the PPL has been fully funded through construction in the TIP and the FDOT Work Program, it will be listed on the PPL for continuity until the project is complete, but no additional funding for the project will be identified in the PPL. Any projects/phases remaining on the PPL can be advanced to a higher priority over time, and new projects can eventually be added to this list of priority projects.


To view lists from previous years, please visit our Prioritized Project List archive.

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