Transportation Disadvantaged Local Coordinating Board

The Transportation Disadvantaged Local Coordinating Board (TDLCB) focuses on transportation needs of the disadvantaged in our community, including individuals with physical and economic challenges and senior citizens. This board specifically coordinates the needs of people unable to use traditional bus services.

Composed of representatives from local governments and transportation providers, (see roster below) the primary responsibility of TDLCB is to evaluate the service provided by the local Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) for the three county area – ACCESS LYNX.

TDLCB reviews price and service levels, safety concerns, eligibility and other pertinent issues. Here is the current roster for the TDLCB:

Transportation Disadvantaged Local Coordinating Board Roster

Central Florida residents interested in serving on the group should fill out the TDLCB membership application.

Meeting Time and Location

TDLCB meets quarterly (February, May, August, November) on the second Thursday of the month at 10:00 a.m. at the MetroPlan Orlando office (250 S. Orange Ave., Suite 200, Orlando, FL 32801). All meetings are open to the public and include sections for public comment.

Exact dates and times for future TDLCB meetings can be found on our meeting calendar. Agendas are posted before each meeting, and minutes are posted afterward in the archived meeting materials section of our website.

If any person needs special accommodations due to disability or language to participate in a MetroPlan Orlando meeting or event, he or she should contact the organization at 407-481-5672 no later than three business days prior to the event.

Staff Contact

For more information about the committee, contact Virginia Whittington at 407-481-5672 x314 or by email at

TDLCB Bylaws

The document below contains bylaws that govern the TDLCB. This includes information on board structure and member requirements.

2025 TDLCB Bylaws

The TDLCB also develops the formal Grievance Procedures for transportation disadvantaged individuals who experience an ongoing service problem with ACCESS LYNX. More information and step-by-step instructions on how to submit a formal grievance are available in the Grievance Procedure for Transportation Disadvantaged Services.

2025 TDLCB Grievance Procedures

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