Public Participation Plan


Transportation affects quality of life for everyone in the region, so it’s essential for the public to be involved in transportation planning. MetroPlan Orlando’s active public involvement program ensures that the community has opportunities to provide feedback as transportation plans are being developed.


Our 2024 Public Participation Plan will guide public involvement for the next five years. This plan includes objectives, strategies, and measurement tools for MetroPlan Orlando’s community outreach program. We take a proactive approach to involving the community in the transportation planning process. The participation plan describes how we make outreach continuous, cooperative, and coordinated. This plan was adopted by the MetroPlan Orlando Board on May 8, 2024 after the required 45-day public comment period.

2024 Public Participation Plan – Adopted 5-8-24 – English

2024 Public Participation Plan – Adopted 5-8-24 – Spanish


The participation plan for our 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan provides a roadmap to a comprehensive, inclusive process for public participation in creating MetroPlan Orlando’s 2050 Plan. It contains targeted objectives, various strategies and tools, and performance measures to ensure effectiveness.

2050 MTP Public Participation Plan – Adopted May 2024

For questions or more information on either plan, please call 407-481-5672 x305.

To learn more about our community outreach efforts and how you can get involved in the transportation planning process, visit our community outreach section.

To learn more about how we ensure equality in the planning process, view our nondiscrimination and language plans.


The documents below present MetroPlan Orlando’s past public participation efforts, reviewing progress based on the goals and objectives in various public participation plans:

Public Participation Plan Dashboard – Annual Review for 2022

Public Participation Plan Dashboard – Annual Review for 2021

Public Participation Plan Dashboard – Annual Review for 2020

2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan – Public Participation Report

View additional documents in the public participation plan archive here.

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