Request For Proposals
Thank you for you interest in doing business with us. MetroPlan Orlando is seeking quotes for the following audio-visual equipment and furniture for conference room upgrades.
RFQ 2025-03 – AV Equipment Upgrades – Quote Response Instructions
Click here to download the quote sheet: RFQ 2025-03 – AV Equipment Upgrades – Quote Sheet
MetroPlan Orlando’s vendor portal streamlines how vendors can do business with our organization.
Prospective vendors can sign up to receive future bid opportunities and RFP notifications by using the New Vendor Registration form on the portal here (under vendor type, please indicate that you are a prospective vendor). Be sure to click on the Contact button in the form to add your contact information, including email address.
Vendors currently doing business with MetroPlan Orlando can submit invoices using the Vendor Invoice Submission page here.