Vice Chair, Mimi Hanley (Space Coast TPO); MPOAC Chair, Mayor Chris Cloudman (Volusia-Flagler TPO); Secretary, Brian Yates (Polk TPO)
The Central Florida Metropolitan Planning Organization Alliance (CFMPOA) is a coalition of transportation and government organizations committed to addressing transportation challenges in the larger Central Florida area.
The Alliance has a policy board of 18 members, three from each of its six member organizations. (See the current roster below.) Representatives from the Florida Department of Transportation participate as well. The group meets quarterly and operates on the basis of consensus.
The Central Florida MPO Alliance maintains a regional transportation plan (see below) and pursues opportunities to plan and fund projects that benefit the region. The Alliance is a forum for information on projects of regional significance, and it establishes legislative priorities to address the region’s transportation needs.
Central Florida MPO Alliance Roster
CFMPOA Regional Priority Projects List 2023 -Adopted 10-13-2023
Meeting Information
All CFMPOA meetings are open to the public and include opportunities for public comment. Exact dates and times for future CFMPOA meetings can be found on our meeting calendar. Agendas are posted before each meeting, and minutes are posted afterward in the archived meeting materials section of our website.
If any person needs special accommodations due to disability or language to participate in a MetroPlan Orlando meeting or event, he or she should contact the organization at (407) 481-5672 no later than three business days prior to the event.
Staff Contact
Staff support for the Central Florida MPO Alliance is provided by MetroPlan Orlando. Contact Virginia Whittington: Virginia.Whittington@MetroPlanOrlando.gov or 407-481-5672 x314.
Member Organizations
For more information on the individual member organizations, click on the links below:
- Lake-Sumter MPO
- Ocala/Marion County TPO
- MetroPlan Orlando
- Polk County TPO
- Space Coast TPO
- River to Sea TPO
See current Regional Indicators Report below.
To learn more about transportation trends, see the most recent Regional Indicators Report below.
CFMPOA Regional Indicators Report 2024
To view reports from previous years, visit our Regional Indicators Reports archive.
regional transit study final report
The Regional Transit Study is an effort to develop a consensus-driven Regional Transit Vision.It identifies an initial range of alternatives and technologies for the major travel corridors within the 10-County region for two target years: 2040 and 2060.
Regional Transit Study Report — 2018
The Central Florida MPO Alliance region is currently home to 5.25 million residents and that number is projected to grow to more than 7 million by the year 2045. This interactive webpage will guide you on a tour of the CFMPOA region and will provide information on shared issues and trends and the long-range transportation planning efforts of the six partnering Metropolitan Planning Organizations.
History & Governance
The group first formed in June 1997 as the MetroPlan Orlando-Volusia MPO Alliance. Its success in solving regional transportation problems led to wider coordination. In 2001, it added members from the Brevard MPO (now the Space Coast TPO) and Lake County (now the Lake-Sumter MPO). The Alliance’s regional membership has since expanded to include the Polk TPO and Ocala/Marion County TPO.
See the 2005 agreement that established the current CFMPOA below: