2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan

The Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) establishes the vision of Central Florida’s entire transportation system for Orange, Osceola and Seminole Counties. This $27.9 billion plan for the year 2045 identifies current and future transportation needs. Projects must be included in the plan to receive federal and state funding. The plan is updated every five years to reflect the changing dynamics of the region.

Map of Orange, Osceola, and Seminole Counties in Central FloridaThe 2045 Plan was created by examining the current transportation system, establishing goals and objectives, and gathering public input. A thorough technical analysis, including performance measures, was used to evaluate needs and look at various future scenarios that might affect the system. After coordinating with local government and transportation agency partners, the cost feasible plan – a list of projects the region can afford – was produced. The MetroPlan Orlando Board unanimously adopted the 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan on December 9, 2020.

For an easy-to-read summary of the 2045 Plan, you can take a look at our 2045 MTP – Executive Summary, which contains links to more information:

2045 MTP – Executive Summary

Curious about projects coming near you in the next couple of decades? Check out our Data Viewer, an online interactive map that shows projects in the 2045 Plan (click on the 2045 MTP Cost Feasible Projects layer in the top right of the map).

2045 MTP – Cost Feasible Plan -Adopted Dec. 2020 – Revised Dec. 2024

Click on any of the buttons below to learn more about various aspects of the 2045 Plan.

Projects & Funding: 2045 Plan by the Numbers Planning Principles Video Tutorial: Navigating Project Lists Public Participation Report Plan Revisions Technical Reports

Projects & Funding: 2045 Plan By the Numbers

The 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan is a $27.9 billion plan including $13.19 billion in federal, state, and local funded projects, and another $14.69 billion in projects funded with tolls by Central Florida Expressway Authority and Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise. The 2045 Plan includes projects from years 2026 through 2045.

This plan diversifies our transportation system more than ever, investing in multimodal projects for all users.  It represents a shift from moving cars to moving people. Some of the projects in the plan would have never been funded through the traditional roads-focused approach of years past. However, our region’s transportation needs still greatly outweigh what we can afford based on current funding projections.

27.9 billion in total funding

For more details on project categories, types of funding, and unfunded needs, view this infographic PDF:

Infographic – 2045 Plan by the Numbers (Revised 11-24-20)

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The 2045 Plan is guided by these planning principles:

  • PLAN FOR EVERYONE. We want to provide transportation options that move people, not just cars. The transportation system can promote healthy ways to get around and help preserve the environment.
  • PUT SAFETY FIRST. Eliminating traffic deaths will require us to rethink how we plan the system, including slowing speeds on many of our roads.
  • MAKE CONNECTIONS TO JOBS. Each of us depends on many fellow Central Floridians who need public transit to connect to their jobs. The system should serve these needs.
  • PROVIDE RELIABLE TRIP TIMES. If we can make commutes more predictable and minimize frustrations, everybody wins.
  • BE READY FOR THE UNKNOWN. Technology is changing transportation, but it can’t solve all our problems. We need to be prepared to take advantage of technological advances.

community of people

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Video Tutorial: Navigating Project Lists

Questions on how to read the project lists in the Cost Feasible Plan document? View this video tutorial on how to navigate the budget allocation and year of expenditure tables.

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Public Participation Report

people discussing asking "what do you think?"The 2045 Plan resulted from robust technical planning and the integration of public input. Feedback from the community was crucial to creating a plan that reflects the values of people who live, work, and play in Central Florida. This Public Participation Report summarizes public input and outreach results from the creation of the 2045 Plan. It discusses how MetroPlan Orlando met objectives set in its Public Participation Plan and which strategies were used to reach the community. The report also contains the official record of public comments received on the draft 2045 Plan.

2045 MTP – Public Participation Report

A playlist of all 2045 Plan videos is available on MetroPlan Orlando’s YouTube channel.

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Changes to the long range plan are occasionally needed. These may be deemed either “amendments,” or “administrative modifications,” according to the Florida Department of Transportation MPO Program Management Handbook. An amendment is a revision to the plan that involves a major change, such as a change in project cost, project/project phase initiation dates, or a major change in design concept or design scope. An administrative modification is a smaller revision that includes minor changes to the plan.

The document below provides a summary of the approved amendments and modifications to the 2045 MTP, including hyperlinks to archived supporting materials:

2045MTP -Summary of Plan Revisions – Revised Dec. 2024

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people traveling


text bubble and pencilThe planning process is very detailed and includes a series of technical reports which outline the processes, methodologies, and findings from the regional long range transportation plan. If you have any questions on any of the topics addressed in the technical series, please contact our 2045 Plan project Manager, Alex Trauger at 407.481.5672 x313.

Cost Feasible Plan – Adopted 12-9-2020, REVISED 12-11-2024

The 2045 Plan identifies transportation funding and lists of reasonably affordable projects.  It meets all federal and state guidelines for long range plans and attempts to align performance objectives with improvement projects. For an interactive web map of projects in the plan, use our Data Viewer tool to view future investment near you.  A copy of the resolution that the MetroPlan Orlando Board unanimously adopted on December 9, 2020 is also below.

2045 MTP – Cost Feasible Plan – Adopted Dec. 2020- Revised Dec. 2024

2045 MTP – Adopting Resolution – 12-9-2020


The Congestion Management Process (CMP) provides the information needed to manage current and future congestion in the MetroPlan Orlando area. The CMP identifies existing congestion-related impacts and improvement strategies for both people and goods, and includes a monitoring program that will periodically assess the effectiveness of the strategies over time.

2045 MTP – Congestion Management Process – Adopted 12-9-2020 – Revised 6-9-2021


This technical report outlines MetroPlan Orlando’s transportation vision, goals, and objectives for the 2045 MTP. The goals and objectives outlined in this document will guide subsequent planning and analysis efforts over the course of the 2045 Plan development and implementation.

2045 MTP – Tech Series 1 – Goals and Objectives


The 2045 Plan uses reliable data sources to inform policy decisions and plan better infrastructure that supports an improved quality of life for all transportation system users. This report serves as a data dictionary, and outlines the comprehensive set of data types and their sources used for the 2045 Plan.

2045 MTP – Tech Series 2 – Data Source Guide

TECHNICAL series 3: origin-destination analyses

Transportation planning has long relied on traffic volumes, travel times, and roadway capacity. These metrics are still important, but they do not always capture the full story of a transportation system. In this report, the flow of people from their origins to their destinations takes center stage.

2045 MTP – Tech Series 3 – Origin-Destination Analyses


This report looks at the MetroPlan Orlando region, establishing a current snapshot of the planning area and pulling valuable insights from historical trends. It provides an overview of the region’s demographic, land use, mobility, and emerging technology conditions. The data and existing conditions established here will form the basis of future forecasts along with the development of alternate future scenarios.

2045 MTP – Tech Series 4 – Existing Conditions & Area Profile

Technical Series 5: Financial Resources

This report explores how transportation programs and projects could be funded over the next 20-25 years. Projections for federal, state, and local funding through the year 2045 will be used to develop the Cost Feasible Plan. In addition to existing revenue sources, potential new sources have been identified for consideration to fund the anticipated gap between the needs of the transportation system and projected available revenues.

2045 MTP – Tech Series 5-Financial Resources


This technical report looks at different types of criteria used to score and evaluate transportation projects for the 2045 Plan. The performance measure methodology will be the basis for how projects are prioritized.

2045 MTP – Tech Series 6 – Prioritization Process


This report includes information on moving freight and goods in the Central Florida region. Freight mobility needs and opportunities are considered in the 2045 Plan to support the economy.

2045 MTP – Tech Series 7 – Freight & Goods Movement


This technical report outlines the process for identifying four potential futures to guide the development of the 2045 Plan – Traditional Trends, Disruption Dilemmas, Technology Transformations, and Climate Consequences. It also includes an overview of the methodology, data analysis, key drivers, and results of scenario development.

2045 MTP – Tech Series 8 – Scenario Planning Background & Development


This technical report looks at the existing pedestrian and bicycle network in the region and identifies gaps, needed projects, and resources to fill those gaps in the network. This document also identifies specific supportive strategies for each of the 2045 Plan’s goals and objectives as they relate to walking and cycling.

2045 MTP – Tech Series 9 – Pedestrian & Bicyclist Needs Assessment

2045 MTP – Tech Series 9 – Map Supplement


This technical report describes the approach taken to evaluate the potential impacts projects may have on public health and the environment.  This document also talks about resiliency strategies and implementation responsibilities that will guide the development of new transportation infrastructure.

2045 MTP – Tech Series 10 – Health & Environmental Screening

Technical Series 11: Regional Transit Needs

This report includes an overview of the existing transit services in Central Florida and explores key issues impacting public transportation.  The document also identifies transit needs and outlines a path to fulfilling the region’s transit vision within the 2045 Plan.

2045 MTP – Tech Series 11 – Regional Transit Needs

Technical Series 12: Multimodal Needs

This technical series describes the process and provides a summary of the Multimodal Needs identified as part of the 2045 Plan.

2045 MTP – Tech Series 12 – Multimodal Needs

Technical Series 13: System Performance Report

This document outlines the System Performance Report, which presents the condition and performance of the transportation system with respect to required federal and state performance measures, and documents performance targets. It also reports on progress achieved in meeting the targets in comparison with previous reports.

2045 MTP – Tech Series 13 – System Performance Report

Technical Series 14: Scenario Planning Summary & Strategies

This document outlines the scenario planning process completed as part of the MetroPlan Orlando 2045 MTP. It also describes the scenario analysis and results, strategy development effort, and lessons learned.

2045 MTP – Tech Series 14 – Scenario Planning Summary & Strategies

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