Transportation Improvement Program

Find out more about the TIP

Updated annually, the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) sets the schedule for improvements to the region’s transportation system over the next five years.  This short-term plan assigns available funding to specific projects and covers all modes of transportation.

Public involvement is an important part of the planning process for each of our plans, including the Transportation Improvement Program.  The draft plan is taken through MetroPlan Orlando’s advisory committees for feedback, and a public meeting is held before the plan is officially approved by the board.

TIP 2025-2029 Preview

The TIP is undergoing its annual update, and a draft TIP 2025-2029 is available for review. It showcases the planned transportation investments in Central Florida over the next five years. The PDF below will be presented to MetroPlan Orlando’s committees and Board in May/June 2024, and the Board will take action on the new TIP in July 2024. The TIP can be viewed as a PDF, or on our online viewer:

Draft FY25 – FY29 Transportation Improvement Program

The Current TIP

The plan shows in detail how more than $8 billion will be invested over the next five years to bring the region’s Long Range Transportation Plan to life.  Refer to the most recent Transportation Improvement Program for more details:

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) FY 24 – FY 28 TIP Amended 6-12-24

TIP Public Meeting

The Transportation Improvement Program virtual meeting took place on June 18, 2024 at 11:30 am. If you missed the meeting you can watch the YouTube recording below.

You can take a look at the Draft Transportation Improvement Program for FY 22/23-26/27 here:

Draft FY25 – FY29 Transportation Improvement Program

Public Comments

If you would like to comment on the Draft 2025-2029 TIP, you can submit your comments for specific projects on MetroPlan Orlando’s Transportation Improvement Program Online Viewer, or send an email to by July 8, 2024. You may also submit comments by mail to MetroPlan Orlando, TIP Comments, 250 S. Orange Ave., Suite 200, Orlando, FL 32801.

Your feedback will be shared with the MetroPlan Orlando Board before it takes action on the draft TIP at its July 10 meeting. Additionally, you can make a live comment at the MetroPlan Orlando Board meeting on July 10, 2024 at 8 a.m. Public comment at the Board meeting can be made in person or virtually.


MetroPlan Orlando has a TIP Online Viewer allowing you to search for project details.


Visit our Transportation Improvement Program archive to view TIPs from previous years.

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