Find out more about the TIP
Updated annually, the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) sets the schedule for improvements to the region’s transportation system over the next five years. This short-term plan assigns available funding to specific projects and covers all modes of transportation.
Public involvement is an important part of the planning process for each of our plans, including the Transportation Improvement Program. The draft plan is taken through MetroPlan Orlando’s advisory committees for feedback, and a public meeting is held before the plan is officially approved by the board.
MetroPlan Orlando FY 2023_24 Federally Obligated Funds Report
The Current TIP
The plan shows in detail how billions of dollars will be invested over the next five years to bring the region’s transportation vision to life. Browse the most recent Transportation Improvement Program document below for details or use the interactive map in our online viewer to see projects coming near you:
FY25 – FY29 Transportation Improvement Program – Revised February 12, 2025
TIP Public Meeting
The Transportation Improvement Program virtual meeting took place on June 18, 2024 at 11:30 am. If you missed the meeting you can watch the YouTube recording below.
Visit our Transportation Improvement Program archive to view TIPs from previous years.