SunRail Lets the Public See What Train Engineers See, and It’s Really Scary To remind Central Floridians not to stop or walk on train tracks, SunRail has launched a new “Never Will I Ever” campaign. This video — released as part of Rail Safety Week 2021, Sept. 20-26 — shows how reckless some travelers are…
July 8, 2021
Fascinating Findings from 2021 Regional Transportation Survey

A Taste of What’s in the Survey Report: Most say transportation system about “average.” Almost 1 in 5 say they exceed speed limits regularly. Majority support making communities friendly to cyclists, pedestrians. The 2021 Regional Transportation Survey Report shares opinions from more than 3,000 Central Floridians on a variety of topics – including transportation habits…

MetroPlan Orlando recently partnered with Florida State University to study the relationship between recently built housing and retail development near SunRail stations and the commuter rail system’s ridership. The report is titled “Transit-Oriented Development and SunRail Riders: What’s the Connection?” Researchers sought to identify who lives and works near SunRail stations while determining what factors…