Board Moves to Make Things Safer with a New Approach

Posted on: September 11, 2024 in Safety, Transportation News

Determined to end traffic deaths by 2050, elected officials from three counties adopt the region’s first Vision Zero Safety Action Plan

MetroPlan Orlando board members adopt the region's Vision Zero Safety Action Plan

Nearly 300 people die and thousands of others are seriously injured each year on Central Florida roads. Looking to end traffic deaths, the MetroPlan Orlando board adopted a Vision Zero Safety Action Plan at its September 11, 2024 meeting.

This action plan for Central Florida is the culmination of a year-long effort which analyzed crash data, identified high injury networks, and pinpointed needed safety projects. It also includes 34 actions that MetroPlan Orlando and the region will take to start the journey toward zero traffic deaths. View the plan here:

Vision Zero Central Florida Safety Action Plan – Adopted 9-11-2024

“Safety is our top concern. Getting to zero traffic deaths is going to take time, but our board solidified its commitment and laid the foundation with this action plan,” said MetroPlan Orlando Board Chair and Osceola County Commissioner Cheryl Grieb. “This is a significant step forward on safety for Central Florida. Prior to this board action, we never had a coordinated safety effort involving every county and city in our region.”

Vision Zero seeks to build layers of protection into the transportation system through a proactive method called the safe system approach, which includes working on safer roads, safer vehicles, safer speeds, addressing needs of all travelers, and strengthening post-crash care.

“Using crash data, we’ve learned that 41% of all traffic deaths happen on just 2% of our roads. We know where the worst problems are and major factors that contribute to deadly crashes,” said MetroPlan Orlando Executive Director Gary Huttmann. “We’re going to keep the momentum going across the region and focus on fixing those issues, along with our partners. Next, we can test safety strategies through demonstration projects and pursue construction funding to make essential design changes to our roads.”

About Vision Zero Central Florida

Vision Zero Central Florida is a regionwide push to end traffic deaths and serious injuries in Orange, Osceola, and Seminole counties. It’s based on the international Vision Zero movement. This coordinated effort led by MetroPlan Orlando, in partnership with local jurisdictions, provides comprehensive Vision Zero Safety Action Plans for the three-county region, as well as for each county and city. The plans aim to save lives by changes in road designs, engaging the community, and working with law enforcement. To track the adoption of plans across the region, view the table on our Vision Zero Central Florida page.

This work was made possible by a $3.79 million Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) federal grant from the United States Department of Transportation. For local crash data and more information, visit

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