August 20, 2020
Future Fest will Explore Scenarios & What They Mean for Transportation in 2045
Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), Safety, Transportation & Technology

Travel has been curtailed these days, but that won’t stop MetroPlan Orlando from offering a virtual trip through time to consider what Central Florida may be like 25 years from now — and how to get ready. Community outreach for the 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) continues with a national expert in future technology acting…
June 11, 2020
Metroplan Orlando, UCF & FDOT Receive Federal Grant to Study Traffic Safety
Transportation & Technology, Transportation Systems Management & Operations
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) recently awarded MetroPlan Orlando a $295,000 grant to support a safety strategy, as Central Florida works toward a goal of Zero Fatalities on Central Florida roads. The grant is one of only eight such awards nationwide for the coming fiscal year. In partnership with the University of Central Florida (UCF)…
December 10, 2019
Central Floridians Weigh In On Connected and Automated Vehicle Readiness
Public Involvement, Transportation & Technology, Transportation News, Transportation Systems Management & Operations
Attendees at a recent series of workshops showed interest and enthusiasm for Connected & Automated Vehicles (CAVs), while voicing some concerns about the region’s readiness for the technology on public roads. Three Connected & Automated Vehicle (CAV) Readiness Study Workshops – one each in Orange, Osceola and Seminole counties – were aimed at increasing awareness…
September 13, 2019
North Florida Transportation Expert to Discuss Regional Data Exchange
MetroPlan Orlando will host a talk by Jeff Sheffield, Executive Director of the North Florida Transportation Planning Organization (TPO), on “Data Exchange” Wednesday, Sept. 25, 9:30-11 a.m. Mr. Sheffield has recently focused on implementing the North Florida TPO’s Smart Region Master Plan that uses technology to collect, analyze and apply data from many sources to…