November 15, 2024
New Round of Federal Funds to Help Central Florida Eliminate Traffic Deaths

MetroPlan Orlando received $2.12 million grant to continue its Vision Zero work; government partners also got funding for projects Efforts to save lives on Central Florida’s roads got a boost with a new round of federal funding that awards money to MetroPlan Orlando and its partners. The new funding will bolster the Vision Zero Central…

Speed-related crashes cause at least one-third of roadway fatalities in the U.S. The sixth webinar in Vision Zero Central Florida’s Safety Speaker Series, will look at how to use multimodal planning to prioritize safety over speed. Hear about a variety of strategies that have been employed in Florida and elsewhere to manage speeds. Join us…
September 11, 2024
Speeding Drivers Take More Risks on the Roads

New survey report reveals public opinions on safety, technology, transportation challenges, funding, and more. MetroPlan Orlando’s survey of 3,134 Central Floridians found that safety is a top concern, even though many admit to engaging in unsafe behavior. For instance, nearly half of respondents to the 2024 Regional Transportation Survey report habitually driving 10 mph over…

Determined to end traffic deaths by 2050, elected officials from three counties adopt the region’s first Vision Zero Safety Action Plan Nearly 300 people die and thousands of others are seriously injured each year on Central Florida roads. Looking to end traffic deaths, the MetroPlan Orlando board adopted a Vision Zero Safety Action Plan at…

More than 1,000 people die or are seriously injured in traffic crashes every year in the MetroPlan Orlando region. We can change that. Take a Look at the Vision Zero Central Florida Safety Action Plan and Tell Us What You Think Central Florida is preparing to eliminate traffic deaths and serious injuries by the year…
May 10, 2024
MetroPlan Orlando’s Vision Zero Safety Speaker Series Spotlights Leading Experts

MetroPlan Orlando is excited to announce its upcoming Vision Zero Safety Speaker Series, showcasing esteemed experts in their respective fields as it relates to safety. The virtual events aim to address crucial aspects of safety as it pertains to Vision Zero – an initiative striving to end road crash fatalities and serious injuries. Check out…

Let us know if you want free copies for your school or community group. We want to help you talk to the youngsters in your life about transportation safety and how to save lives. Every week, more than 5 people die on Central Florida roads, and more than 35 are seriously injured. Vision Zero Central…

Virtual Discussion to Launch Safety Series Join us online Wednesday, Nov. 15, as we look into the causes of traffic deaths in Central Florida and mark World Remembrance Day for Road Traffic Victims. Beginning at 9:30 a.m., we will present “Uniting on a Quest for Zero Traffic Deaths,” the first webinar in our Vision…
February 20, 2023
Share Your Opinions on Active Transportation in Central Florida
Complete Streets, Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), Safety

Please take our survey by March 10 and use our map to give specific feedback on biking and walking. MetroPlan Orlando is dedicated to making Central Florida a safer and more enjoyable place to engage in active transportation, and we need your help. We have two tools that will let you give input and share…
February 1, 2023
Region Receives $3.79 Million to Improve Transportation Safety

MetroPlan Orlando, along with its government partners, has been awarded a $3.79 million federal grant, under the 2022 Safe Streets and Roads for All Action Plan program. The money will be used to develop Vision Zero Safety Action Plans throughout Orange, Osceola, and Seminole counties – working toward the ultimate goal of zero deaths and…