June 11, 2020
Metroplan Orlando, UCF & FDOT Receive Federal Grant to Study Traffic Safety
Transportation & Technology, Transportation Systems Management & Operations
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) recently awarded MetroPlan Orlando a $295,000 grant to support a safety strategy, as Central Florida works toward a goal of Zero Fatalities on Central Florida roads. The grant is one of only eight such awards nationwide for the coming fiscal year. In partnership with the University of Central Florida (UCF)…
December 10, 2019
Central Floridians Weigh In On Connected and Automated Vehicle Readiness
Public Involvement, Transportation & Technology, Transportation News, Transportation Systems Management & Operations
Attendees at a recent series of workshops showed interest and enthusiasm for Connected & Automated Vehicles (CAVs), while voicing some concerns about the region’s readiness for the technology on public roads. Three Connected & Automated Vehicle (CAV) Readiness Study Workshops – one each in Orange, Osceola and Seminole counties – were aimed at increasing awareness…
July 18, 2019
How Ready is Central Florida for Connected & Autonomous Vehicles?
MetroPlan Orlando is leading a study on how ready Central Florida is for the arrival of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) on public roads and will be providing periodic updates and public outreach on the topic. A connected vehicle (CV) uses wireless communications to exchange information with nearby vehicles, infrastructure, and mobile devices, while…
June 4, 2019
Join our Transportation Systems Management and Operations Advisory Committee
MetroPlan Orlando Advisory Committees, Transportation Systems Management & Operations

Are you interested in getting more involved in transportation planning? Here’s your chance. We are looking for a Community Advocate for our Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) Advisory Committee. TSMO is an emerging discipline in transportation planning that uses information, communication and technology to improve surface transportation. The committee is structured to include interests…
October 13, 2017
Community Advocate’s Seat Opens on the TSMO Advisory Committee
MetroPlan Orlando Advisory Committees, Transportation Systems Management & Operations

UPDATE: The application deadline for this volunteer position has passed. If you’re interested in the technological end of transportation planning, here’s an opportunity to get involved. Consider applying to be the Community Advocate for our Transportation Systems Management & Operations (TSMO) Advisory Committee. TSMO is an emerging discipline in transportation planning. It advances the use…
October 5, 2017
Central Florida Gets $11.9 Million to Test Smart Cities Transportation Technology
Safety, Transportation News, Transportation Systems Management & Operations

Central Florida will advance several intelligent transportation system technologies aimed at enhancing pedestrian safety and easing congestion, thanks to a nearly $12 million federal grant. The Federal Highway Administration just awarded $11.9 million to a team of experts from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), the University of Central Florida (UCF), and MetroPlan Orlando to…